# Intro
As you may be aware I have been doing some hacking on `Android` recently. Today I want to look into `deep links` a little bit because there can be many issues that occur when these are not set up and validated properly. Actually, the original inspiration for this post comes from a talk I saw at `zer0con` by [@InterruptLabs](https://twitter.com/interruptlabs) ([@munmap](https://twitter.com/munmap) & [@patateQbool](https://twitter.com/patateQbool)), pretty hilarious stuff actually.
Below you can see a short `0day 1-click` demo, from the talk, to install an arbitrary app on a `Xiaomi` phone.
- https://twitter.com/POC_Crew/status/1775713732842365022
They talked about a lot of previous `p2o bugs` related to poor implementations of `deep links` and the associated `WebViews` (`permissions`, `JS bridging`, `Intent proxying` etc.). We won't go into those here but I want to just do some simple groundwork using a toy app [InsecureShoppApp](https://www.insecureshopapp.com/). As we will see the application is not really fit for purpose (eventually, I'll have to write my own to catalogue `Android bugs` I can repro) but it will allow us to flex our `frida` skills a little bit and gain some hands-on experience.
# What is a deep link tho?
Actually this is very easy to understand, `Android` [deep links](https://developer.android.com/training/app-links) are the equivalent of [URI Handlers](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/launch-resume/launch-app-with-uri) on `Windows` (these have also had bugs). You craft a `URL` with some specific formatting and an `app` will perform some action based on that (with or without parameters).
What happens here depends entirely on the `app` and how the `onCreate` handler is set up. Some things that can go wrong include:
- The attacker may be able to force a `WebView` to load a malicious `URL`, either because of poor design or because `URL` allow-listing is implemented poorly.
- If the `WebView` loads a trusted `URL` there may still be issues, for example if you can find `XSS` or `Open Redirect`.
- The `WebView` may have permissive settings, like `setJavaScriptEnabled(true)` which would enable the view to call any `JavaScript<->Java` bridges that may exist for the interface.
- `JavaScript Bridges` may expose additional attack surface.
- The `WebView` may have `setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(true)` which would allow `cross-origin` requests to access the `file://` scheme. Not good ok, don't do that!
- Depending on the setup, the attacker may also be able to proxy to different `Intents` etc.
All this theory is a bit theoretical, let's have a look!
# You linking with that phone bruv, peak
#### Manifest
If we look at the `Android` manifest we can see some interesting entries.
Notice that `WebViewActivity` has a `data specification`, including a scheme (`insecureshop://`) and host (`com.insecureshop`) where `WebView2Activity` does not.
What we need to understand about this is that we can invoke `WebViewActivity` remotely by sending the target a (malicious) `URL` where we can't do that for `WebView2Activity`. However, we can still call both using an `intent` either from inside the `app` or `cross-app` on the phone (interesting, I assume this opens the phone up to cross-app attacks).
#### WebViewActivity
Because we want to do a `1-click` style attack we will focus on `WebViewActivity`. Lets have a look first at the setup of the `WebView`.
Not a good start for the `app` there is both `setJavaScriptEnabled` and `setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs`. I will note that there are no `JavaScript Bridges` (more reasons to write our own app later on).
Looking at the actual `WebView` handler we can see the following.
There are two scenarios the app will handle. The first scenario is where the request `URI` equals `/web`. In this case the value of the `url` query parameter is extracted and directly loaded in a `WebView`.
Here we just created a simple `href`, like this:
<a href="insecureshop://com.insecureshop/web?url=https://calypso.pub">Click Me</a>
The second scenario is where the request `URI` equals `/webview`. We can't leverage this scenario directly because the `app` also adds a check, using `StringsKt`, to make sure the `url` query parameter ends with `insecureshopapp.com`. This is obviously a bad check because we could register a domain that meets these criteria (e.g. `jumanji-insecureshopapp.com`).
#### Flexing Frida
Ok, ok, what if we wanted, for no apparent reason, to use `/webview` anyway? Well we can, if our intention is to practice our `frida` craft.
First let's adjust our `href`.
<a href="insecureshop://com.insecureshop/webview?url=https://calypso.pub">Click Me</a>
We can create a small logger to understand more about what is happening inside the app and also put us in a position to manipulate the `WebView` (if we wanted to do that).
Java.perform(function () {
var WebViewActivity = Java.use('com.insecureshop.WebViewActivity');
WebViewActivity.onCreate.overload('android.os.Bundle').implementation = function (savedInstanceState) {
console.log('\n[+] WebViewActivity onCreate called');
// Use Java reflection to find the WebView instance
Java.choose('android.webkit.WebView', {
onMatch: function(instance) {
console.log('[Java.choose] WebView instance found: ' + instance);
// You can modify the WebView here if you want
onComplete: function() {
console.log('[Java.choose] Completed');
WebViewActivity.onNewIntent.overload('android.content.Intent').implementation = function (intent) {
console.log('\n[+] WebViewActivity onNewIntent called');
function logIntentData(intent) {
var dataString = intent.getDataString();
var data = intent.getData();
var extras = intent.getExtras();
console.log('[?] Intent dataString: ' + dataString);
if (data !== null) {
console.log(' |_ Intent data URI: ' + data.toString());
console.log(' |_ Intent query parameter "url": ' + data.getQueryParameter("url"));
if (extras !== null) {
console.log(' |_ Intent extras: ' + extras.toString());
Useful as a code reference, however, what we really want is to bypass the `kotlin` string comparison. The class has code that looks like this:
import kotlin.text.StringsKt;
if (StringsKt.endsWith$default(queryParameter, "insecureshopapp.com", false, 2, (Object) null)) {
My assumption was that the `endsWith$default` method would be in `kotlin.text.StringsKt` but it turns out if you double-click the implementation in `JADX` it redirects you to `kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt`. This is a bit confusing, I'm not sure why this is the case (let me know!).
This issue is further compounded by the fact that both classes have `endsWith$default` methods using `different overloads`! Lets have a look. We can list the methods for each as shown below. I apply a loose filter so you can see some differences.
Java.perform(function () {
var classes = ["kotlin.text.StringsKt", "kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt"];
classes.forEach(function (className) {
try {
var klass = Java.use(className);
console.log("\n[========= Methods in " + className + "==================]");
for (var method in klass) {
if (method.includes("With")) {
} catch (e) {
console.log("Class not found: " + className);
Like I said, these have different `overloads`.
Java.perform(function () {
var StringsJVMKt = Java.use("kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt");
var StringsKt = Java.use("kotlin.text.StringsKt");
console.log("\n[?] Available overloads for StringsKt.endsWith$default:");
StringsKt.endsWith$default.overloads.forEach(function (overload) {
console.log(" |_ [RET] " + overload.returnType + " -> " + overload.argumentTypes.join(", "));
console.log("\n[?] Available overloads for StringsJVMKt.endsWith$default:");
StringsJVMKt.endsWith$default.overloads.forEach(function (overload) {
console.log(" |_ [RET] " + overload.returnType + " -> " + overload.argumentTypes.join(", "));
This is important because we need to hook the implementation that is actually being used by the app.
Anyway, the moral of the story is to check in the decompiler, it obviously knows which one is being used 😅😅. Still, we learned some things along the way and that is the whole point I think. Now it is easy to hook the correct implementation and bypass the check!
Java.perform(function () {
var StringsJVMKt = Java.use("kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt");
StringsJVMKt.endsWith$default.overload("java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "boolean", "int", "java.lang.Object").implementation = function (str, str2, z, i, obj) {
console.log("[+] StringsKt__StringsJVMKt called");
console.log(" |_ [ARGS] ", str, str2, z, i, obj);
// Bypass the check for URLs ending with "calypso.pub"
if (str && str.toString().endsWith("calypso.pub")) {
console.log(" |_ Bypass check -> true");
return true;
console.log(" |_ Bypass check -> false");
var result = this.endsWith$default(str, str2, z, i, obj);
return result;
Not totally useful but interesting 🙇♂️!
#### How about p0wn?
Well, we can redirect the `WebView` to a `URL` on our server, like this:
<a href="insecureshop://com.insecureshop/web?url=">Click Me</a>
At that stage you can execute `JavaScript` in the `WebView` and do things like steal cookies or whatever. Also, because you have access to the `file://` scheme you can exfiltrate files from `some specific locations` on the phone:
- Application internal storage
- Application cache
- External Storage (depends on application permissions, `READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE`)
But generally the attack surface is not very interesting here so I will just show you a small demo before we move on.
#### Cross-App Attacks
Like I mentioned at the start we can trigger these actions using `Intents`. Actually, `ADB` lets you simulate this.
b33f@p0wn ~ % adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "insecureshop://com.insecureshop/web?url=https://calypso.pub"
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=insecureshop://com.insecureshop/... }
Status: ok
LaunchState: WARM
Activity: com.insecureshop/.WebViewActivity
TotalTime: 99
WaitTime: 104
What would interesting though is a more realistic scenario where we trigger the `Intent` from `Java` code. You could do something like this:
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.Uri;
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
Very cool, very cool, but I'm not going to write a `Java` app ok.. What if we turn this into `frida` code, inject it into a process, and try to preform a real `cross-app` action.
Java.perform(function () {
var SettingsActivity = Java.use('com.android.settings.Settings');
SettingsActivity.onCreate.overload('android.os.Bundle').implementation = function (savedInstanceState) {
// Creating the intent
var Intent = Java.use('android.content.Intent');
var Uri = Java.use('android.net.Uri');
var String = Java.use('java.lang.String');
var uri = Uri.parse("insecureshop://com.insecureshop/web?url=");
var intent = Intent.$new("android.intent.action.VIEW", uri);
// Starting the activity
Here, of course, we have `frida` running as `root` so we can inject into anything. For demo purposes I just chose to inject `com.android.settings`.
# Conclusions
There is probably nothing new here for people with more foundational `Android` knowledge. Being intellectually poor myself I can only endeavour to be studious and work diligently on my shortcomings.
This is an intellectual endeavor, a craft that lacks nothing in a person's work; for if he masters it, he will embrace it with a love for the craft, by will lengthen his days in all his pursuits, and willing grant him eternal life.